I figured out how to start putting up more photos on my blog, thanks to my travelling companion of less than 24 hours, Marine of France. Here’s a photo of us at Urban Station Coffee in Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon), Vietnam.

I have been taking so many photos, especially of food, which I want to share with you, but I only knew how to do this through some limited social media. I had so many questions….

How do I load them effortlessly on my blog? How do I save all my photos quickly and easily from my cell? How do I become a blogger with more posts, photos and followers if I can’t even figure out the technicalities?

I have been dabbling with this question over the past few weeks, often leaving the task in frustration and exhaustion as I lacked the knowledge and patience to continue.

I am learning on the road. Here’s one: Ask for what you want!

You don’t need to have the answer, it’s the asking for what you want that is the important part.

I have been trying this out for years using manifestations, mantras, journaling, meditation, you name it, and sometimes the answers would come, sometimes not.

I see now that I often put barriers in my way.

I would have thousands of reasons why I wont get what I want, why it’s stupid to ask for what I want, why it won’t work, why it’s new age nonsense.

I was stuck in a repetitive wash cycle of what I didn’t want.

Most important, I often didn’t believe in my heart that I deserved what I was asking for.

Seems complicated, right?

What if you don’t need to find the solution? What if the question of asking for what you want is enough?

I found out last week another fascinating part of the equation based on neuroscience.

I am a big fan of The Unmistakable Creative podcastshttps://unmistakablecreative.com/ and the amazing interviewer Srinivas Rao. His podcast is an important part of the community that I am forming of people and things that nourish and inspire me. Warning! If you don’t want to get out of the rut that makes you unhappy in your life and be more creative, freer and who you are, don’t listen to the podcasts. They could be disturbing and make you do things that change your life and make you happier.

On a recent podcast,  Srnivas was interviewing Dr. Srni Pillay, a neuroscientist with Harvard Medical School on his research and work on the brain and intention.

Dr. Pillay says that our brain has a “GPS” system that is wired to help us achieve our goals and manifest our dreams. This phenomenon, which some call intuition or pre-emptive perception is really brain activation that occurs under the radar.

He says that if you stay connected with your intention, believe (that your brain can take your there), visualize what you want to reach your goals (this actually stimulates the action center of the brain), suggesting 10 minutes daily for focused day dreaming on endless possibilities, then you can move toward your goals without knowing how you will get there.

Here is the podcast https://unmistakablecreative.com/podcast/the-neuroscience-of-goals-with-srini-pillay

And a personal story  that Dr. Pillay shares on Ted Talks that started him on his research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJymX5yqYdo

Wow, this is fascinating because it’s a mix of the scientific with spirituality, the known and the unknown, working together to create and we are the ones who are directing the experiment. We have our destinies in our control.

I met Marine at the visa waiting area at Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh City.   I felt the intuition to speak to her and we became road buddies, be it less than 24 hours.

We were having iced lemon grass teas (yum!) at Urban Station Coffee in Ho Chi Minh city. More on my visit later! I was mentioning in passing my woes about my blog, my cell and photos.  She said she is a geek and would be happy to help me. I knew she was a fellow blogger https://voyagerminimaliste.wordpress.com travelling in South East Asia but that was about it. “Really?!”, I said.

Perhaps this is the way it always was and is meant to be but we have lost touch with this in a world where we are anxious for quick solutions and there is less and less real personal contact.

What if we were to circulate knowing that our intuition will guide us and the people we meet hold the answers to our questions?

I ask the question. I don’t have the answer

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